Thursday, March 21, 2013

Lake Mutanda

Finally, a beautiful view of the nearby Lake Mutanda.

It takes a village

This child is using the battery-operated oxygen concentrator which John the social worker at Waynesboro Hospital arranged to have donated to St. Francis Mutolere Hospital and which the Kehrs carried over earlier this month.  They also carried over the ultrasound machine, purchased with donations to Mission Doctors Association.

It has always pierced Lou's soul to have babies die when the power went out and the regular oxygen concentrator couldn't work.  We all know the expression "It takes a village to raise a child."  Well, this is an example of a big beautiful global village working together to raise our children.

Thank you!


Lou, using the ultrasound machine on a newborn with a possible brain injury.


This is what was surgically removed from a small boy with an obstruction: Ascaris!